« Bill Gates » believes investing in innovation is important to ESG


« Bill Gates » believes investing in innovation is important to ESG
I- « Bill Gates », co-founder of Microsoft, discusses the importance of innovation in the environment and social responsibility

« Bill Gates » argues that the importance of a company's environmental, social and governance credentials is paramount when considering whether to invest in them.

Microsoft co-founder « Bill Gates » defended the importance of considering a company’s sustainability credentials when deciding whether to invest in them.

« Gates » argued that many people find it controversial to judge a company’s sustainability by their environmental, social and governance records.

« Bill Gates », co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, made his letter title 4th yearly as a representative of the foundation.

He encouraged world leaders to support new innovations to combat poverty; this would speed up the process and reduce unnecessary hunger in the world.

II- « Bill Gates » discusses the importance of innovation and investing in ESG

ESG refers to environmental, social and governance issues. There are many things that can be measured when talking about the market, such as performance data, global trends and the presence of large multinational organizations.

Nasdaq CEO « Adena Friedman » believes that exchanging ideas and sharing knowledge between public companies and investors creates a more sustainable economy.

She also feels that investing in new products like futures creates more liquidity in the financial market.

Nasdaq is working to expand this exchange across the globe by creating indices focused on sustainable environmental, social and governance (ESG) principles. Long-term sustainability efforts need sustainable investors and markets to follow the ESG acronym.

« Bill Gates » stated that he motivates people to use green technologies as customers by giving them a focus. Investors need to take into account many factors when choosing a company to invest in.

One of them is people, i.e. how many people are involved in the business, their views on the subject, etc.

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